Monday, November 8, 2010

New Gig Logo Services

Good day to everyone!

We are very excited to announce that we are now offering editing, writing and translation services at Gig Logo.

Here are some of our rates:
Editing rates start at $5.00 for up to 500 words
Writing rates start at $15.00 for up to 500 words
Translation rates (English to Spanish or Spanish to English) start at $25 for up to 500 words

Here is a link to our full list of very affordable rates:

We are professionals with over 10 years of experience and we can provide you with samples of our work. At Gig Logo customer satisfaction is our main concern, and we will make as many revisions as are necessary in order to make sure you, our customer, is 100% happy!

Monday, October 25, 2010

We Are Back!

We are back! Please be assured that our site is completely safe and secure and we are welcoming guest bloggers once again. As a guest blogger you are able to submit guest posts to any of our current categories or you can submit your own category suggestion.

We look foward to your submissions and that you for your continued support!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Gig Logo Site Hacked

Good morning everyone,

I wanted to announce that our site was hacked and if you receive an email from us asking for your personal information, please disregard. We would never ask for your personal information via email. Our main concern is for the safety of our users and their information. Our site is currently offline until we get all the security issues worked out. Please feel confident that there are still good people online who care about others and we are working diligently to resolve this matter.

Please feel free to contact us via Twitter or via our blog here at

We can't allow life's setbacks to keep us from our goals. If we fall we must get up and keep going, we can't allow the "bad things" to hold us down. No matter what is bad in your life right now realize that everything will be ok.

Many blessings to you all and thank you for your continued support!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When Guest Posting, Why is it Important to Submit Quality Articles?

Why is it important to submit a quality guest post when guest blogging(posting)?

The answer is simple and it goes back to a phrase you probably learned in grade school, which is: "Your work reflects who you are". We talked about the pros of guest posting in the article Guest Posting - The Greatest Form of Free Advertising for Your Small Business Web Site, and we discussed building trust as an important factor in quality customer relationships.

Right about now you may be asking yourself, what does this have to do with writing and submitting a low quality guest article? Well, you probably wrote the article to either receive a backlink because you are trying to increase your site's PR or you are trying to get more web site traffic by tuning in the readers of a popular blog or web site.

In either situation you have included your web site's link in this article, and we have already established that the article is of low quality, so what does this say about anything connected to this article? Yes that's right, anything connected to this article will be viewed as low quality. How can you build customer trust (which leads to repeat business) if customers will not even touch your web site?

I hope you keep this in mind when submitting a guest article and even when writing for your own site. I don't mean to offend anyone, we do have some wonderful guests on Gig Logo who submit excellent content, but there are times when we receive some really low quality submissions. These submissions will not be published on our site. If your article is not approved we suggest you read the posting rules and guidelines and if you feel your article meets our requirements just revise the article and resubmit, we are fair and believe in second chances.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Easily Turn Your Site Into a High Google Traffic Website

Everybody wants to turn their website into a high Google traffic website. Many are confused about how to get there, and even though it is not a difficult process it does require time and work.

I have received many questions from people about how Gig Logo can do the work for them, the answer is that Gig Logo can't. Gig Logo is a tool, like a screwdriver; screwdrivers can't function without a person or machine using them correctly and for a purpose.

That said, you reached this post because you are looking for ways to increase your site traffic rank, right? So how can the Gig Logo community help you achieve your ranking goal? Easy, we encourage all of our community members to get involved and help each other by posting, commenting and sharing content.

Posting: Guest posting serves the same purpose as posting an ad on another person's website. It gets you visibility and instead of paying with money for space to place an ad you are paying with your article content. Guest posting in places such as Gig Logo, which accept guest articles is a great way to get your website noticed especially if you do not have money to pay for ads.

Commenting: Both the Gig Logo web site and blog are Dofollow which means comments count in helping you build backlinks.

Sharing: Share articles with your friends, family and colleagues(if relevant) for even more traffic. If one of the articles you share contains a link to your site more people are bound to click on it and see you and your business.

Remember, together we accomplish more so Post * Comment * Share

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Winner of the Guest Blogging Contest - Lauren Dzuris

Our winner of the Guest Blogging Contest is Lauren Dzuris with her "5 Ways to Find the Perfect Car Seat for Your Child" post. Thank you Lauren for posting on our site!

Read more from Lauren at:

Coming in at a close second was Juan Galindo with his post "Old Fashioned Potato Salad" connect with him on Facebook: Juan Galindo or visit his blog MJ Latin Cuisine.

La ganadora de nuestro concurso de bloggers invitados es Lauren Dzuris, El web site de Lauren es:, y es en Ingles.

En segundo lugar es Juan Galindo. Conecte con Juan en Facebook: Juan Galindo o visite su blog MJ Latin Cuisine.

Gracias a todos por participar!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thank you to all our Guest Bloggers!

We really appreciate the time you take to write quality guest posts on Gig Logo! Through your expertise and knowledge we create a better online experience for our users. Thank YOU!

Gracias a Nuestros Bloggers Invitados

!Apreciamos el tiempo cual ustedes usan para escribir editoriales de calidad en Gig Logo! A través de su experiencia y sabiduría creamos una experiencia del web mejor para nuestros usarios. !Gracias a USTED!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Gig Logo's Article Link Building System : Increases your Google Ranking and Your Site's Visibility, Free.

You probably already know that the number of incoming links to your web site from other web sites is counted in Google's algorithm to determine where your page will rank on the search results. The more web sites linking in to your site, the higher the probability your site will get to appear on the first page of the search results.

So how do you get other web sites to link in to your site?
You can try:
1.) Paying to have your link added to a site - This may be a problem for new businesses or web sites just starting out, who may not have link building in their budget.
2.) You can do a 2 way link exchange  - 2 way link exchange has been frowned upon and if not done correctly can conflict with search-engine quality and best practice guidelines.
3.) You can try begging the web master - No one should have to beg and that's that!
4.) You can write quality articles on Gig Logo based on your expertise, add your site link and Voila! You are not only helping your business by building links but you are also building rapport with potential customers. Its a win win situation, plus its free.

Go to Gig Logo's home page: , register as a new user, submit your first article + link and we will do the rest including promoting your article for greater link building opportunities. We will even go as far as sharing 50% of the revenue earned through Adsense Ads displayed in your articles with you (email us at for more information on how Adsense Revenue Share works on Gig Logo).

Hope to see you ranking high very soon!

El sistema legitimo de Gig Logo para aumentar links y el Google Ranking de su sitio de web. Ahora con Adsense Revenue Share.

Tal vez ya sabe que el numero de referencias a tu sitio de web de otros sitios en el internet es usado por el algoritmo de Google para el ranking de tus paginas.  Entre más referencias legitimas tiene más alta es la posibilidad de aparecer en la primera página de Google.

¿Cómo Puede lograr aumentar links a tu sitio de web?
Puede tratar:
1.) Pagar para que tu enlace sea agregado – Esto puede ser problema para nuevas compañías o sitios de internet que quizás no tengan esto en sus presupuestos
2.) Puede hacer un intercambio de links – pero es considerado una manipulación artificial de los resultados de búsqueda y no es bien recibido por Google.
3.) Puede rogarle al web máster – Pero nadie tiene que rogarle a nadie porque hay un mejor método.
4.) Puede escribir editoriales de calidad en Gig Logo basados en su experiencia, añade su enlace, y listo. No solo estará ayudando a su compañía con aumentar links y su ranking en Google, pero también estará creando relaciones con sus clientes. Es una situación donde solo puede ganar, y es gratis.

Vaya a la pagina inicial de Gig Logo a, regístrese como nuevo usuario, y someta su primer editorial y nosotros hacemos el resto incluyendo promocionar su editorial para mas oportunidad de obtener links naturales. Nosotros  hasta compartiremos 50% de los ingresos generados por Adsense Ads que aparecen en su editorial (contáctenos a para más información de cómo trabaja el programa Adsense Revenue Share en Gig Logo).

Espero verlo pronto ranking alto en Google!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Contest Prize

Gig Logo aticle contest prize
Brand new ViewSonic 8" Digital Photo Frame

Submit your article on, the article with the most hits wins!

Premio del concurzo de editoriales en Gig Logo
Nuevo ViewSonic Marco para Fotos Digitales

!El editorial mas visitado gana!
Complete Rules: Gig Logo Contest Rules

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gig Logo Article Contest

Gig Logo's Article Contest is open once again!

This time we are giving away a digital picture frame to the winner.

As you know from previous contests the rules are:

Submit the most viewed article and win.

How can you participate?
Register as a user on by clicking here
and when your membership gets approved you will receive "author" status, enabling you to submit articles to our site.

Post an article to an already published category or suggest your own.

Articles have to be approved before articles get posted on the site.

You may submit multiple articles.

If you need help or have questions contact our friendly customer
service reps at or by telephone at (484) 794-8762.

Contest is open to everyone, under 18 parental consent is required.

Contest runs from April 25, 2010 to June 25, 2010

Good Luck!

Gig Logo esta conduciendo un concurso de editoriales.

Esta vez el premio es un marco de fotos digital.

Si usted tiene el talento puede someter su editorial registrándose como usuario a, cuando es aprobado puede empezar a someter editoriales.


Si es menor de 18 años tiene que obtener permiso de sus padres a cuidanderos legales.

Todos los editoriales tienen que ser aprovados antes que sean publicados en

Su editorial sera traducido por uno de nuestros representantes a Ingles y sera disponible en Español y Ingles. Si tiene preguntas por favor contactenos por
email a o por telefono (484) 794-8762.

Concurso esta abierto Abril 25, 2010 asta Junio 25, 2010.

Buena Suerte!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Gig Review

New Gig Review: Online Mexican Store Mexgrocer - Tortilla kit
Nueva Critica Gig: Tienda cibernetica Mexgrocer - Juego para hacer tortillas

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Help Haiti in its Time of Need by Spreading the Word

Hi everyone,

Did you know you can help people in Haiti who are suffering from a terrible disaster just by spreading the word? Maybe you don't have the money to donate but someone you know might be able donate, so please pass along this link to friends and family:

Together we can achieve more!

¿Sabe que puede ayudar a gente en Haití, cuales sufren un terrible desastre, solo con compartir este mensaje? Quizás usted no puede donar pero alguien que usted conozca si lo puede hacer, por favor comparta esta dirección con sus amigos y familiares:

¡Juntos alcanzamos más!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Article Contest

Hello everyone and Happy New Year!!!

To ring in the new year right, Gig Logo is having an article contest.

Submit the most viewed article and win a $25.00 Barnes and Nobles gift card.

How can you participate? Register as a user on and when your membership gets approved you will receive "author" status, which will enable you to submit articles to our site.

Post an article to an already published category or suggest your own.

*Remember to tell all your friends and family to help you out by viewing your article, you may submit more than 1 but no more than 3 so that everyone gets a chance in case you are a wonderful writer.

If you need help or have questions contact our friendly customer service reps at or by telephone at (484) 794-8762.

Contest is open to everyone but if you are under 18, parent permission is required
Contest runs from Jan 15, 2010 to March 15, 2010

Good Luck!

Gig Logo esta conduciendo un concurso de editoriales. Si usted tiene el talento puede someter su editorial registrándose como usuario a, cuando es aprobado puede empezar a someter editoriales.


Puede ganar una tarjeta de regalo valuada a $25.00 para la tienda Barnes and Nobles.

Si es menor de 18 años tiene que obtener permiso de sus padres a cuidanderos legales.

Su editorial sera traducido por uno de nuestros representantes a Ingles y sera disponible en Español y Ingles. Sitiene preguntas por favor contactenos por email a o por telefono (484) 794-8762.

Concurso esta abierto Enero 15, 2010 asta Marzo 15, 2010.
Buena Suerte!